Thursday, September 1, 2011

September 2011: DutchySim

Qui: Hello and welcome to the Hot Seat.
DJ: Today we have a full house for the first time EVERRRRR!
Jill: Holley and Freedom have finally joined us on the show.
Karima: and just in time too to explore the land of Love. (Oh, and Wine! - they give out free samples at the Nectary, you know! Yeah, baby!) Since our FA author is such a romantic at heart, we decided to fly out to Champs Les Sims! 
Qui: So without further ado, we present Val and Holley!

Val: Hi, it’s so great to be here (Does The Happy Dance)  
Holley: YAY (jumps up and down on the armchair like Tom Cruise on Oprah’s couch)
DJ: Okay, settle down, that’s enough you two! You aren't in the spotlight.
Jill: But we know who is!
Qui: So guys and girls, please put your hands together and stomp your feet for RWN’s Featured Author for the month of September...DUTCHYSIM!

Dutchy: OMG, I made it! I made it! I made it! I didn’t think I would since Netherlands is like on the other side of the equator. But here I am and it’s all thanks to Dim from the Awakening. He teleported me here. *squeals*

Everyone: *droolicious sighs* Aw Dim, what would we do without him?



DJ: I hate to break up the “drool party” but our sponsors are getting antsy, it’s time for an ad break!

Val: DJ's Right. When we come back, we'll have Dutchy in the hot seat.
Jill: And boy does she have a lot to share! If you are a huge fan of the Awakening I suggest you hurry and find a comfortable spot because for the next 45 minutes Dutchy will be discussing all things Dim…*sigh...Oh - and Cathy. 
Karima: and if you are not a fan of the Awakening, rest assured that by the end of the interview you will be! And now a word from our sponsors...

[brief intermission]        [brief intermission]

Dutchy On her downtime…

Qui: How often do you play Sims? (And is it ever just casual or all for stories?)
Dutchy: Well, I don't actually play much. I try to, but after 30 minutes I get bored and work on my stories instead. Always taking pictures and thinking, "Oh, this is a nice one, great emotion" or something like that. 

Qui: When did you buy your first ever Sims game?
Dutchy: I don't know-must have been in the year when Sims 1 came out. 

Qui: Would you call yourself a "Sims Addict"?
Dutchy: Oh, I started Simming with Sims 1, but I wasn't as addicted to it as I am now. I did play Sims 2 for a long while but I really learned about the game through Sims 3.

[brief interruption in service - Eifel Tower interfering with signal]        [Service restored - back with Val!]

Still on her downtime

Val: What is your favorite book?
Dutchy: Definitely 'Once and Always' by Judith Mcnaught. I love her writing and I think I base a lot of my "harsh" men on her characters.

Val: Do you have other favorites?
Dutchy: Oh, I have a lot. Judith Mcnaught, Sherrilyn Kenyon, Christine Feehan, Kathleen Woodiwisse, Johanna Lindsey, Karin Slaughter, Terry Goodkind, Jr Ward. Terry Brooks and I can go on and on, but I will stop now :)

Dutchy on Inspiration and writing
(Over grapes and apples with Jilly)

Jill: How do you come up with titles for your stories?
Dutchy: I am really SIMple minded, I think of the story and what title fits it. Hehe ;D

Jill: Very punny! How did you come up with your characters and their names?
Dutchy: I think all my characters are people I would love in real life. Well, the good ones that is! I just think about how I want him or her to be, and when she or he gives me the feeling of excitement, I know I am on the right path! :) Also I think I base them on characters I have read in the past and have loved.

Jill: I love your writing style, have you been writing for long? (I do know this is your first Sims story!) But if not, then you are a natural at it!
Dutchy: Thank you and yes, I have been writing ever since I could write. I think it must have been the year of 8 when I wanted to get serious with it. That's when I really started to write stories and not just poems or thoughts.

Jill: When you write a story does it have a set story line or do you wing it and change the story line as events unfold? 
Dutchy: I do have a set story line when I begin, but it changes the moment I really write it down. I do a lot of spontaneous writing. Really, most of the time I don't even know how my character is going to react until he is facing it. 
So yes, I change it all the time and try to be loyal to the real thread that runs through my story - it’s like making a puzzle. I just look for the piece that fits with the rest and I won't have any peace in my mind until I find it. And sometimes when I find a piece that fits better, I try to change the puzzle. Lol, am I making sense? Have I also told you that I am quite the chaotic person and writer? 

Jill: You just did! Do you have a specific storyline in mind when you create a Sim for the story, or do you create the Sim first, and then decide what their storyline will be?
Dutchy: Both, sometimes I make a Sim and I like him so much that I want him in my story, like Maron I just wrote that story especially for him so that I could show him. Haha Of course I make sure that it fits with the story. Or I try to. 
Anastasia and Nico were made for a story line. I only had a vague idea how I wanted them to look and just started making something until I was happy.

[Ad Break]        [Ad Break]

Dutchy on Inspiration and writing continued...
(over nectar making with Karima)

Karima: Where does most of your inspiration come from?
Dutchy: I think all my inspiration comes from the books I have read through my life and of my own fantasy created on those. 

Karima: Do you have a favorite place to do your writing?
Dutchy: I used to live close to a castle and I would ride my bike there every weekend so I could write there. The place always gave me a lot of inspiration. You have to know I was a real castle romance addict before the vamps. ;D
Ha ha ha!
Karma: Oh! Careful, Dutchy!

Karima: Are you OK?
Dutchy: I'm fine, just keep going. Can we drink this yet?
Karima: If you say so, and no, I don't think you can drink it yet. Moving on, have you always loved writing stories, or did you begin writing after you started playing the Sims?
Dutchy: Yes I always loved writing. It has always been my biggest passion. It still is! Sims came much later for me. Are there any more free samples of the wine?

Karima: I think we managed to finish those off! Have you, or are you planning to write any other stories?
Dutchy: *Slips on grapes again. 
Maybe I better stay here awhile...
I have written a lot of different stories. Mostly in my own language, but in the last couple of years I changed to English. Some publishing houses even read some and helped me, but I never found the courage to finish it and send it all! I am a little bit of a perfectionist when it comes to writing for real. It is never good enough in my eyes.
This is my only Sims story at this moment but I am thinking of some others I would like to do. It’s quite refreshing for me because I don't put the heavy burden of perfection on Sims stories like I do with the normal ones.

Karima: Well I hope you find that courage someday, it would be great to see your stories in print! We'll be right back with more from Dutchy after this short break, during which we'll get her out of there...

[Ad Break]        [Ad Break]

Still on Inspiration and writing...
(but, over croissants with Holley)

Holley : Was there ever any other inspiration besides the books you've read?
Dutchy: I always had too much fantasy and was daydreaming all the time about it. Always making me the heroine in my own stories, and putting them on paper was a way to remember them and cherish them.

Holley: What is the hardest thing for you when writing?
Dutchy: The boring parts! Haha. Really, parts that get my blood running are always very easy because I love those scenes. But the necessary scenes and characters for the story that I don't like are much harder.

Holley: When writing, do you ever find it hard or confusing to focus on which character you are writing about?
Dutchy: No, not really. Every character I put on paper is somebody I feel like knowing quite well, so it’s not hard to write about them.

Jill: Stay tuned, we’ll back in a jiffy.
Holley: In the meantime you can all die with envy while you take a look at Dutchy’s Goody bag from all of us at RWN.
DJ: *evil grin* I’m going to steal that T-Shirt. Wait and See!*rubs hands together*
Karima: and I’ll grab the flowers…
Dutchy: I heard you two *holds bag and flowers closer to her chest*

Goody bag:

and...Since you didn't have anything on your wish list from the SimStore, we picked out a couple of things we thought Dim and Cathy might enjoy...

And of course, your complimentary promotional banner...

[Ad Break]        [Ad Break]

Jill: And we're back!
Qui: Dutchy managed to hide her goody bag, so we are still all good, happy, excited and Rebelicious.
Val: And Dutchy is still in the Hot Seat.

Dutchy on the Awakening...
(over a walk with DJ)

DJ: What inspired you to make The Awakening?
Dutchy: The Awakening is really a story I have on paper in Dutch. Well, not quite the same, but the real thread of the story, the main theme that keeps it together about an ancient old vampire awakening because of its mate, that's the same. I changed a lot to fit it with the Sims. I always loved that storyline so when I was thinking how I could create a world in Sims with his family and family line in the center, it seemed like fun! 

DJ: Is The Awakening going to be a legacy? If so, how long will it go on?
Dutchy: Yes, I wanted to make it a mix of a legacy and story at the same time. Each generation will have a different story, but still fitted in the world and story line I created with the other characters. I wanted at least to make 5 generations. I hope I will have even more inspiration to go further!

DJ: We hope so, too! Cathy and Dimitri's story is so incredibly romantic. Do you enjoy the romantic genre when you read books or watch movies?
Dutchy: Yes, I am a real romantic junkie. Especially in my teens and early twenties. I don't know why, but there is just something about an arrogant male and a stubborn female that brings a smile to my face But I do love other genres too. It took me more time to appreciate those.

DJ: What gave you the inspiration for your story?
Dutchy: I think The Awakening was created and inspired by a lot of stories I read in the past. They gave me the ideas.

[brief interruption in service - we've run out of wine...]        [sends intern to the Nectary, and service is restored!]

Karima: We know you love having Dutchy on the show and if it was up to us, we would sit here forever and chat to her.

Qui: but Dim’s waiting impatiently to whisk her back to the Netherlands.

Dutchy: I don’t want to go! *grabs wine bottle, wails like a baby and throws herself on DJ’s shoulder*
DJ: I know and I don’t blame you; who’d want to leave such pure awesomeness?

Karima: *in a consoling voice*you’ll be back next year, don’t worry.
Dutchy: Okay. Thanks for having me on the show, and for the goody bag. Oh! And the wine! I’ll see you guys next year.

Mods: Bye Dutchy. We love you and keep the Awakening coming! *wave her off*

Holley: Guys and Girls, keep your eyes peeled, next month, it could be you on The Hot Seat!
Continue Reading: "September 2011: DutchySim"