Sunday, April 1, 2012

April 2012: Jean-Marie

Welcome to the Easter Edition of Rebel Writer's Nirvana's Featured Author Interview!

This month's Featured Rebel is....Jean Marie!

Let's give her a big Rebel Yell!

Jazen: Welcome, JM! I hope you're ready for a sweet time!

Karima: And by Sweet, she means Yummy!

Daijah: Doesn't our Easter-themed studio look good enough to eat?

Qui: Um, I think you DID eat it...weren't there some chocolate bunnies in here earlier?

Daijah: I know not of which you speak.

Jilly: And marshmallow I smell something in the microwave? DJ, you didn't!

Karima: Don't worry, Jean-Marie, there's going to be plenty more sweet treats making their way into our studio today.

Jazen: So sit back, grab some jellybeans, and enjoy the show!

Jilly: mwwmwmmm. mmmwwww, mwwww

Jean-Marie: Jilly - chew, THEN talk!

Jilly: ~gulp~ Sorry! Ladies and Gentlemen, Greeting cards are good for any occasion, not just Easter. The creative geniuses at Hall-Snark Greetings have a card for every one of them! Want to tell someone exactly what you mean to them? Hall-Snark can help!

Hall-Snark. We'll make sure they'll never forget you. Now, back to the show! *These chocolate eggs are awesome!

Jilly: So let's start this off by talking a little bit about writing, and while we do that, we can make some chocolate bunnies!

Jean-Marie: I've never made chocolate bunnies before - is it easy?

Jilly: I'm not sure, I got this recipe off the internet. But I'm sure it's easy! So... What would you say your favorite genre is in both reading and writing?

Jean-Marie: Let's see...writing, I would have to say Supernatural and Romance. I might do a horror once... Reading is actually the same, leaning more towards romance. Any genre is good if it has a hint of romance in it. I need something to hold on/fall back to. ~Vamp + Romance, Horror + Romance, True stories + Romance, Magic + Romance... Well, It's not like you can blame me, I am an incurable Romantic. It's a flaw.

Jilly: What is your favorite book to read?

Jean-Marie: All-time favorite, I've still to come across a book I love more than 'A Rose in Winter' by Kathleen Woodiwiss. It's got Romance, Action, Love-scenes, Seduction, Betrayal, and Humor. It's an all-in-one package. A definite must-read!

Jilly: I love the mystical elements of "Tamed" do you find it's easiest writing fiction than say something biographical in nature?

Jean-Marie: It is easier in my opinion, because you can really let go, use your imagination; away from the everyday drama called life. I don't want to write about what I can actually find when I step out the door. I do have to say, some stories I start that way, but always somewhere around the 3rd or 4th chapter it changes into something supernatural and I drift off. With fiction you also don't get readers on your roof because you said something hurtful, something that happened to them that you brought back. I get fairly drifty when people scold me for things like that. I always say, if it disturbs you, don't read it, but don't bite my head off because I wrote something that actually happens. So when the day comes that I can calmly deal with attackers, I'll write a story of a biographical nature. Leave me be with my vamps and witches for now. They leave me more than content.

Jilly: And we're more than content, too - we love them! Tell us, do you plan on writing another story once 'Tamed' is finished? If so, is it already planned out?

Jean-Marie: I have 3 planned, actually 4, but the fourth is just an existing book that I'm going to Simmify. They are called 'Heart' featuring our very own Raven as himself; 'Lake House' featuring Dante and Julie (meet him in Chapter 16 of Tamed) and 3 'The Loyals'. The Loyals is an open ended story I once started based on the characters of Anne Rice. It has no finish... Whenever I get an interesting idea that doesn't fit with any other story it usually ends up in that storyline. The Loyals (4 vampires) each have a past, but the story itself has an open future. As long as I don't have a solid ending for it, it'll stay that way. 'The Loyals' was written before Tamed by the way. Thought I'd mention that...The fourth, the simmified one, is called 'A Rose in Winter' by Kathleen Woodiwiss. I plan on staying 97 % true to the original written book. The other 3 % of it is more her words that I will simplify. So yeah, that's the agenda.

Jilly: We can't wait - I'm sure they'll be just as awesome as Tamed. How often do you come up with story ideas and are there any planned more than what you've mentioned for after the conclusion of Tamed?

Jean-Marie: Not very often, but when one does make its entry inside this spacious bulb of mine, It tends to stick. I have tons of story ideas in my mind for after Tamed, but only the four I've mentioned are a certainty right now. Maybe I'll fuse the other half-cooked ideas I've come up with one of the certain four. Who knows I'll worry about that when the time comes.

Jilly: How did you start writing?

Jean-Marie: I started writing when I became dissatisfied with how some movies ended. I'm always saying to myself This ending would've been way better if they did this. And I write it down. If you do this with a lot of movies, somewhere in there a story of your own will form. That happened with one of my pending stories, although it wasn't the ending I re-wrote. Basically you can do it with any part you're dissatisfied with. Could also be something you like very much. Maybe the girl touched, in your opinion, the wrong part of his body. Rewrite it, use it...That's what I did...

Jilly: That's pretty clever - I've often felt that way about books or movies. What a creative idea! Have you always been like that - When did you start writing?

Jean-Marie: I started writing in middle-school. Mostly just acting-parts for me when I pretended to be an actress in my own happy place. I loved writing and doodling. I always had a pencil or ballpoint in my hand and post-it's were my buddies. I love reading too, so I'd always write my favorite quotes and phrases from books. I had notepads full. Guess something in me knew at an early stage that I'd be doing this right now, after all those years.

Jilly: What else inspires you to write?

Jean-Marie: Nothing specific. It can be anything, a falling leaf, me getting sick, sunset, flat tire, rainy day, boredom. You name it. That's why this is one of the questions I find difficult to answer I'll always say something different and you'll get confused and think I'm lying, but it's the truth. I never know what will inspire me to write the next chapter, if I haven't already taken the pictures for it during the last chapter, of course, I'll have to check that.., but that's just me, I'm weird like that!

That's it for our first Q and A section with our April FA, Jean-Marie! We'll be right back after a word from our sponsor!

Hello, Rebels! RWN is pleased to bring this important Public Service message from the man himself....The Easter Bunny!

Hi kids. Easter bunny here. I'm coming to you to talk about a serious problem affecting bunnies all across the world. The terrible lies that have perpetrated over the years by the Leprchaun community to draw attention away from their pots o' gold. That's right, I'm talking about the myth of the Lucky Rabbit's Foot.

In the creature community, it's a well-known fact that only bunnies are quick enough to follow a rainbow to the end and find the pot o'gold, so the leprechauns shut down the bunnies in the worst way possible; by spreading the myth of this false talisman.

There is nothing lucky about carrying around the severed appendage of a poor, defensless animal. So if you're thinking about aqcuiring one of these fake lucky charms, I must ask you...

Feel lucky, punk?

Karima: Well that was...Welcome back to Nirvana! We're here with our Featured Author, Jean-Marie! In this segment, we're going to talk a little bit about your characters while we dye some Easter Eggs! Let's start off with Raven - Will we know who Raven is and find out what he was doing at the twin's house soon?

Jean-Marie: Raven's identity will be revealed in due time. I promise not at the end of the story, But I can safely say he wasn't the one at the twins-house. That vamp has been roasted and bagged. His bones were the ones Kat retrieved from the crimson Lab in chapter 6.

Karima: I love the conflict of Alex's character in 'Tamed' - she's committed to her job as a vamp hunter, yet she's under the spell of one of the strongest vamps around. Do you like to write a complicated mindset like that, and does that come easily to you?

Jean-Marie: Well, since Alex is the first character I've written that has a complicated mindset, I haven't really given much thought to whether I like it or not. But now thinking about it, maybe it does intrigue me. Wanting something or believing in something that is completely against what you stand for. Like a hunter in a relationship with the very thing she hunts. But does it come easy? I'd say no, because just as conflicted as she comes over, just as conflicted I get when I write about her. Sometimes I even put it off because I can't decide what she'll be doing/feeling or even thinking next.

Karima: I think I'd do that, too! But we're glad you don't put it off too long! Sooo...When will we see more of Raven?

Jean-Marie: Just let the twins go to Belladonna Cove. After they come back, you'll see more of Raven than just a chapter or 2 once in awhile. That's when the focus is really on Marina's side of the story. And since he resides with her... Raven buffet!

Karima: Yummy! What were we talking about again...oh yeah. All your characters have a distinct voice - especially all the siblings. Are there tricks you use when writing different characters to keep their traits and mannerisms unique?

Jean-Marie: I place myself in their character completely. If I was the careless twin, how would I act, what would I say to this or that? Or the serious one - always second-guessing everything. Same thing with Binny; unknown stranger in my house - how would I cope... There's a little bit of me in every one of them. Bit more in others, because I become one with my characters. I see what they see, feel what they feel... Not to mention when Alex and Chase... *clears throat* uh-hum... moving on!

Karima: Yes, we probably should...Have you ever gotten to a place in a story where you wish you'd taken a certain character down a different path? If so, how did you resolve it?

Jean-Marie: Yeah, kinda... I've encountered that with Alex. She was never supposed to make it past her introductory chapter 'The Meeting', but since everyone took such a strong liking to her complex pairing with Chase, I made an exception. I had to give her a bit of character and some purpose of course, but other than that, no direct change to the original storyline. She just added to it!

Karima: And we love her conflict. Speaking of that, how did you come up with Chase?

Jean-Marie: Chase Chase Chase, now that was a really awesome "Spur of the moment" Character. For that chapter (The meeting) I had already taken the pictures... and when I saw the one of him with his arms crossed looking at Lillian... That mane over his right eye, that sexy voice... *swoon* 

My mind screamed bad boy with a sharp tongue. Imagine the wonderful thinks he could do with that ton... I'm sorry, what was the question? Oh right, Chase was a character that wrote itself, I'm just along for the ride... He's a very simple bad-boy character, but all is not as it seems with him. Yeah, you think on that... *Grinning evilly for messing with your mind* 

Jean-Marie: Is it getting hot in here, or is just me?

Karima: Chase, Callum, and Raven? Hell Yeah, it's hot in here! Let's try changing the subject a little... Are there any of your characters that you love or hate? Or are you indifferent to all of them?

Jean-Marie: I love all of my characters, the good and the bad, the weak and the strong. Maybe some a little more than others, Raven, Calum, Chase or the twins, but I try to keep them all on the same page in fear of neglecting a few of them and I don't want that to happen. I've yet to come across one of my characters where I can say. Ooh, you're nasty, I hate you. Doesn't seem likely, but you never know.

Karima: And on that note, we're going to wrap up this segment of our FA interview with a word from our sponsor! Don't go away! We'll be right back.

Hey all you rebels out there! I know you didn't let April Fool's Day pass you by, and being in the same month as Easter, it gives us pranksters plenty of opportunity to place those chocolate-flavored laxatives into the Easter Baskets of the very deserving.

April Fool's Day. Not for amateurs.

Jazen: Welcome back to RWN's April Featured Author Interview, with our special guest, Jean-Marie!

Jean-Marie: Are these the bunnies we made earlier? I think they're probably cool enough to eat now, right?

Jazen: As you can see, our guest of honor has found her way to the crafting table, where we'll be making up Easter baskets while we talk a little about our favorite game, The Sims. Tell us, JM, Will you ever use Sims 3 for stories or do you prefer to do it in Sims 2 format?

Jean-Marie: I'm not saying I will NEVER use the Sims 3 for stories, you never know... just not now. For now I'm settling for reading the ones you guys write. My cousin is a vivid Sims 3 player; she has all the expansion packs up to Pets. She has showtime, but didn't install it yet. 
So, I guess you can say it's not that far from me. I installed it a week ago to check out pets an I'm in love with the horses, but I had to make my sim a vamp to live long enough to find out everything, which still hasn't happened. I still can't stand the idle pose they ALLLLLLL have. 
Try having 8 Sims in a living-room, dressed the same, and have them do anything. Can you spell brainwash? They all have the same pose... sadly. I'm not feeling it yet... maybe in the future... who knows?

Jazen: Be careful, those Sims 3 sims sneak into your heart! How often do you play Sims?

Jean-Marie: Two or three years ago I'd say every day. Because then I had school in the morning and after that I'd play from the afternoon until late at night. Now, not so much. I've done all I can do with them and let's face it it's the same with every family. They grow up, they have kids, they die! Kids grow up, they have kids, they die! It got very boring after I'd discovered every magical thing and every hidden lot, because that's all I was left with. Life and death. I started killing my Sims just to find out in how many ways it was possible. That's how boring it got. With writing stories, I discovered a new use for them. So I write, go in game, take pictures and exit. If I take pictures for maybe 3 chapters, and I post a chapter every other week, You can guess how long I don't go in-game! I can't even remember when I went in to just play. Not for my story, just play you know. Every time I did an idea popped up and I'd go into story-mode It's sad really.

Jazen: Not too sad - you have plenty of other things to fill up your day, but we'll get to that later. What was your first Sim game?

Jean-Marie: The Sims 1 Basegame. After it was already at expansion pack 6 or 7. Back then I was addicted and I didn't even know it had expansion packs. I started to collect them, actually borrow them from friends, and I was at 3 or 4 when the Sims 2 came out. I, of course didn't know about it until my equally sim-crazy friend bought it. I did get the chance to check out Makin' Magic, because I skipped a few packs, but I was blown away by 2. It's the only series I have every Exp Pack and Stuff Pack off. And now using them for my story, I've fallen in love with it all over again. Long live the Que Custom Content!!!!

Jazen: What would we do without THAT? What is your favorite expansion?

Jean-Marie: The Sims 1 definitely, no misses  Makin' Magic. I still reminisce at times.
Of the Sims 2, It's a three-way tie. Nightlife, because of the Vampires and cars; Seasons because of the, duh, seasons, although it slows the scrolling movement when it rains/snows and Apartment Life, because of the witches. You see, my absolute favorite things. Magic and Vamps' I do have to say there's also a certain love for traveling, so Bon Voyage should probably be up there with them Oh, what the heck, make it a four-way tie! Of the Sims 3, even though I don't play it, World Adventures. Al-Sim-Hara just takes my breath away. I love Egypt, so it was to be expected. I also enjoy to fruit squashing in Champs les Sims. I've got to live up to my name, so not including that would be a sin.

Jazen: *Sigh, Makin'Magic... We'll never forget it. So you used to play for fun; what prompted you to illustrate with Sims?

Jean-Marie: When it comes to games, I'm a control freak. So the Sims was the absolute perfect game for me, though oddly enough, I've never played with free-will off. I was able to pose them the way I wanted, react the way I wanted, so they proved ideal for storytelling. It's still a challenge due to the lack of certain poses, but in that case I just make them myself what I need, when I need it. And I love challenges, so it all kinda blended together.

Jazen: How lucky that you're talented enough to do that! Now the monumental question everyone who writes a Sim Story must answer...Do you take your pictures and then write or write and take your pictures to match parts you want illustrated? 

Jean-Marie: Both; sometimes my pen just runs away with me and before I know it, I have 4 chapters written. But then when I go inside my game to take pictures for the written chapters, I get so in the mood, I find myself taking pictures for the next chapter that hasn't been written yet. Also when I have an idea of which poses to use or I know what the next, unwritten, scene is going to look like, I take their pictures immediately. If I don't, the next time I'll use blue instead of red and it won't have the same feeling I had when I first saw it. It's been happening more and more that the camera runs a bit faster than my pen, but yes, you can call it a combination of both.

Jazen: Both it is! And with that, we'll take a commercial break. We'll be right back with more from Jean-Marie, so stay tuned!

Easter is the season where more eggs are purchased than at any other time during the year! People buy chicken eggs. goose eggs, and even exotic specialty eggs to cover them with dye and let them sit around. Well, the people at Roxio have another use for those decorated eggs...

Angry Easter Eggs!

These eggs aren't for sitting in a pretty bowl, these eggs have a purpose!!

Angry Easter Eggs. The hottest App has come to life!

Daijah: Welcome back! Did you miss us? We know you did. For this segment, we're going to pot up some Easter Lily's while we drill JM about something that plagues us all...Time Management! Before we jump into that, I just have to ask you one thing...If you could make a living of writing, would you?

Jean-Marie: Yes, I would! But then I'd want no distractions like school or anything. Then again, maybe not completely live off writing. i still have my art. Gotta put all that studying to good use. Maybe be the curator of the Louvre and a writer. Haha, sounds like a handful...

Daijah: If anyone can pull it off, you can! That brings us back to our topic. How do you organize your time, is it easy, or do you find you just fit things in, when you have the time? (Writing & concentrating, does take a lot of time & patience!)

Jean-Marie: In the beginning it was fairly easy, I could write chapter after chapter without anything getting in the way. It was also the time I took for granted and didn't really write much, which I'm regretting now. 
Between work in the morning and school at night, I basically don't have much of a life right now, so I write when I can squeeze it in. That is to say that I have something to write about. Sometimes I have the time, but nothing comes to mind and it's just wasted... 
That is why I treasure my weekends and holiday vacations. Then I can really do what I want, write, sleep, play or just plain catch up on the much needed rest from the week.

Daijah: I can see where you would! Obviously, school is the priority, but are you finding it hard to keep up with school and writing 'Tamed'? How are you coping with that?

Jean-Marie: Soooo hard *pout* . Work in the morning; school at night; a chapter somewhere in the middle. I'm not coping at all. I'm frustrated. When I have 4, I'm lying, 5 chapters scrambling up there in my head, I can't write them down because I have homework. Sometimes in class I have moments where I go 'Ooh, that's gonna be perfect for *insert name here*..., I'm sorry, what? 16 charcoal drawings by Tuesday? I have to admit, I'm lazy at times and I wait until the last minute to finish school work, so it piles up and becomes a lot by the time evaluations come around. Updates are lacking to none when that time comes. But hey, haven't failed a single class yet, so... It's kinda at a pace where you can say, I'm managing-ish! and that you guys is why I wear the straight-jacket. It's my only friend...

Daijah: That's why we pass them out at the door! Now talking about time, tell Calum I have plenty of time to spoil someone special, he names the time & place & I will be there!

Jean-Marie: I think he'll like being spoiled, since he's already well, you know how he is. But, yeah, I shall give him the message; just stay clear of his on again-off again girlfriend. She just might hex you.

Daijah: Bring her on! I fear no one! Well, there is that witchcraft thing... :o moving on. Do you ever get writers block and if you so please share what you do to get the creative juices to flow again!

Jean-Marie: Shhhh! Don't say those words when I'm around. That, sadly, is a curse we've all been *blessed* with once or twice or 5 times. What I do, that seems to help a little, not a guarantee, is read the chapters that I've already written from the beginning. Sometimes half-way you're spiked again. Do you know what also gives Writer's block? Not being able to read stories of your favo writers. You get a sense of depression and no spirit to pick up your own pen. At least, that's what I've encountered once before; don't know if others have felt it too. Or you do write something, but it's never how you want it, you know... maybe that's just me!

Daijah: I'd never really thought of it like that before, but it does make sense. Speaking of readers, Do you find that your stories are steered somewhat by the readers or are you writing just for your own pleasure and be-danged the readers they take what you give?

Jean-Marie: I'd have to say, both again. My story is written in a way, I mean I know what's supposed to happen, what will happen to certain characters, but the readers do have a certain input. If I see they like the events/happenings of one character, I may be inspired to write a little extra sumthaing sumthaing for that character or bring in some chapters a little early. Give the readers what they want, but still stay true to the original story. I do write for my own pleasure and there will be some chapters the readers may not be happy with, but like you said, be-danged- they'll just have to take what I give in that case. Can't always write what they want or it wouldn't be my story anymore.

Daijah: So, so true. How do you control yourself from giving away too much about the story events when you reply to reader's comments?

Jean-Marie: It's not easy, I'll tell you that. And the speculations. Sometimes I just ball my hands up in fists just to prevent myself from writing too much. Your fingers just itch. The most efficient way of restricting myself is to answer their questions with a question: Is Raven a vampire? Is he? That way I've replied, but didn't reveal anything.
I go like, Okay, you're safe, whoo, that was close It also keeps the readers on their toes. If you give them answers, their reactions are a bit milder come the next chapter, because they already knew. I like genuine reactions, spur of the moment comments. You always come across some laughs.

Daijah: Our group of readers is great for that! So, one last question. Is there a time, like driving, or in the shower, that you get your best ideas for writing?

Jean-Marie: Quite often when I wake up. Be it morning or an afternoon nap. When I wake up some crazy idea just hits me and I have to write. 93% it's for chapter XX that's nowhere near where I am, sometimes it's for the next update!

On rare occasions I can get an idea from reading someone else's update. For example Kate wrote in a very poetic way how a drop of red liquid (could be tomato juice) fell from his lips. I immediately go 'He took a sip and it drove him into frenzy. Blood rushed to his head and everything was painted red' or something like that. One word in a sentence is enough to spike me at times...

Daijah: And that brings us to a commercial break. We'll be right back with more Jean-Marie after these messages!

Happy Easter, everyone! Just a friendly reminder to stock up on those jelly beans! Jelly beans come in all different sizes and flavors - something for everyone in your home! They're the only candy that's an organically renewable resource!

Jelly Beans. Keepin' it green this Easter!

Qui: Welcome back, loyal Rebels! We're here with our Featured Author for Arpil, Jean-Marie! While I ask her the questions submitted by our fellow Rebels about her story, 'Tamed', we're going to go on a little Easter Egg hunt! Ready, JM?

Jean-Marie: Ready!

Qui: Do you have a firm ending planned for "Tamed", or will you change it based on where the writing takes you?

Jean-Marie: I already have Tamed's ending written. And it won't change. I'm staying true to my original storyline. What happens before we get to the ending is a different story. 
In there I still maintain a bit of freedom, add stuff the readers would like, a new twist that adds suspense, like the diaries of Marina's father. I came up with that the day before I posted the chapter. The content is tied to one or two of my characters, so a welcome 'thinker' for you guys.

Qui: I love those! They make the story stay with you long after you've finished reading it, and makes you crave the next chapter even more! Speaking of the 'next chapter', How long do you think Tamed will run? Will this be serialized or just end once it's done?

Jean-Marie: I have no idea to be honest. I can say 50 chapters, but run out of ideas when I hit 30. It's hard. I could wrap it up in one chapter, with just main sentences/ideas, but I want the events to follow up on each other in a smooth matter. There is still a lot to be said, but do I know how long it will take before it's all out there, no, I don't! No, Tamed will not be a serial. I have a firm end for it and I'm sticking to that. The characters will be seen again, I like recycling maybe do Stories on them on how they got to Tamed or something, but no Tamed season 2, I'm afraid! Trust me, after seeing/reading the ending, the readers might not ask for a season 2. In time you'll know why I say that.

Qui: Well THAT was a little cryptic! But don't worry, I won't try to force you to share any spoilers here. Oops? Did I do that? So sorry! Uhem...Do you ever find yourself confusing the storyline or characters when writing?

Jean-Marie: Not really no! It's possible that I'm writing a scene for, say Charlotte, and after reading it again I find it suits Kat more, but confuse them, no! I try to stay as true to the storyline as possible. The beginning is written. The ending is written. What happens on the road in between these two is what varies. I add and I remove, but all individual stories will eventually add up to form the ending. 

Qui: That's what makes it work! Do you plan your stories/chapters out first or just write when the mood hits you?

Jean-Marie: It's different with every story/chapter. With Tamed I wrote the entire story in main points first and I work them out into chapters. Sometimes I arrange a chain of thoughts for the next chapter, so I know what to write when the time comes, but yes, there are also times I don't know what to write and I just sit it out, wait for a mood to hit me. If I'm angry I'll write an out-of-the-blue fight scene and write around it to make it fit the storyline.

It's easier to write when you're in a good mood, because you're relaxed and the chapters just seem to flow out of your mind. When you're angry, you get fed up with the story fast and throw it aside after 10 words, because you're mind is still occupied with what you're angry about.
That's why I try not to write when I'm angry. Some good ideas can only come from being angry, but I wait until I relax, until it's passed to start working them out.

Qui: That's a great stragedy. One thing in the story concerns me...Raven had some serious injuries, which should probably be checked. Any chance Raven will be naked in future chapters? You know, for purely medical reasons?

Jean-Marie: Right, purely medical! I might give a naked back from head to toe, but I'm not so sure about a full frontal. I like using my imagination, a lot, so I'm a true believer of "less is more". That is not directed, in any way, at you Daijah. Just keep giving us full frontals of those smexy guys. Like Brett, or Connor even Bane, I have to admit... The guy's a major douche, but he's working that body...*drool*
So, will you see naked Raven? Yes, you most definitely will. For purely *cough* medical reasons *cough* of course!

Qui: Of course. ::) Never let it be said that the members of RWN don't care about the health and well-being of their favorite characters! Let's finish hiding these eggs, because we've got a few surprises left in store for you!

Jean-Marie: I'm up for that!

Easter Bunny: Congratulations, Jean-Marie! For taking the time to be our Featured Author for the month of April, we'd like to present you with this gift, made especially by Qui!

Qui didn't name him, she calls him Dark and Dangerous

We also have the exclusive RWN T-shirt specially made for Sims 2 by Karima!

Easter Bunny: And while I pass out some treats, I have a question of my own...Is Raven single? Can you give Raven my number?

Jean-Marie: Yes! No!

Jilly: How does Raven feel about pasty redheads? Is he a dog lover? How does he feel about pugs?

Jean-Marie: *Sigh* He isn't bothered by hair color. He either takes a liking to you or doesn't. Simple as that.

Raven likes all types of animals except ones with fangs longer than his. He doesn't like the competition. Animals might get really; really nervous around him, due to his nature, but he likes them just the same. I think he had a pug once, not sure... or was it a full on Bulldog? I don't remember... I take it you have some... sigh...

Daijah: Why hasn't Chase called me back? LOL.

Jean-Marie: Oh, dear! I meant to deliver that message, I'm so sorry. It got lost in the washing machine. He says: 'Calum has him doing so many errands he's in a tight clinch, but he promises to make it up to you. Just the way you like it...'

Jazen: How would Calum feel about sharing?

Qui: Hey! I was going to ask that!

Jean-Marie: Oh, he's all up for it... He even asked me once if I knew some deliciously good-looking women. I made him a list, so don't be surprised if your phone goes off in about...oh, now!

Karima: That's for me! I've got it!

Jean-Marie: Thanks for all the great gifts and the fun stuff, you guys! I had a great time! Um...Mr.Bunny? I don't think I'm supposed to sit on your lap - isn't that more of a Santa thing?

Easter Bunny: Shhhh. It's OK. You can trust the Easter Bunny.

Jean-Marie: Um...Ladies?

That concludes the April Edition of the Rebel Writer's Nirvana Featured Author of the Month! Thanks for joining us, and make sure you tune in next month because our FA might just be...

Jean-Marie: Really girls, a little help here...
Continue Reading: "April 2012: Jean-Marie"